A quick little love note to my husband...
8 years ago, today, I married my best friend and pledged to you the "loyalty of my life, the love of my heart, and the devotion of my soul." I promised you, "your faithful wife to ever be, until death we do part."
I remember how happy we were and how in love we were. But I can honestly say, even though we spent a good majority of this year apart, our relationship is the strongest it has ever been and I fall more and more in love with you every year. Every day I am amazed and thankful that I get to spend my life with you!
For our 8 year anniversary I thought I'd share just 8 of the many wonderful reasons I love you.
1 -
You put God first. I always know you will make the right decision; it is so comforting! You encourage me and it has been so exciting to see you grow.
2 -
You are the most unselfish person I know.You put me and others first and sacrifice daily. I need to learn a thing or two from you!
3 -
You are so Patient. Mostly with me! :) Even when I make it difficult for someone to love me you are so patient and don't give up on me. Thank you!!
4 -
You are incredibly Generous. I LOVE this quality about you. You are so giving and loving and willing to share whatever you have...your time, your money, your resources. I respect so much what you have done in the past and continue to do for our friends, family and acquaintances.
5 -
You always have a Positive outlook. I know I will never hear you say something negative about another person. You always have a good outlook on life too. You look for the positive in everything, assume the best in everyone, and trust things will work out. You challenge me to do the same thing and help me to be a better person!
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You work so hard. You give 100% in whatever you do and have a great work ethic. That is so comforting and I am so proud of you.
7 -
You are Encouraging and Supportive. I can always count on you to have my back...even with some of my crazy ideas! You do your best to support me in whatever I decide to tackle, or even when I fall short. You celebrate with me, let me cry on your shoulder and believe in me. Thank you!
8 -
You make me feel like you adore me. I'm still not sure exactly why you fell in love with me many years ago. I wasn't looking...and it took me a little longer to be open to the idea of us but I'm so glad you were patient and persistent and saw something with us that you didn't give up on. You made me feel safe, special and were my friend, which eventually led to love. I still feel safe and special to this day! I love when you give me that little look that lets me know you think I am the most special person on this Earth to you! I think you are crazy...but I love you for it!
I'm so blessed that God brought you into my life. I'm very lucky that I found someone who knows what real love is...actions...not just words. You have made me a better person; I feel that this has been the best year yet and I am so excited for many more adventures to come...Lord willing!
I love you Mr.! Thanks for asking me to marry you! You have the "loyalty of my life,
the love of my heart, and the devotion of my soul." I promise you,
"your faithful wife to ever be, until death we do part." :) I'm so happy we made that promise to each other!
A quick note to you single ladies and young girls out there. DON'T SETTLE! Find a man that is unselfish, puts God first and you second...they are out there! Don't forget...God loves you and wants you to be happy!