Day 1: The Power of an Unexpected Compliment
I found myself driving home from work today contemplating if everyone really was in a better mood today...or if it really just took me adjusting my attitude! I'm still not sure, though I suspect it was just me adjusting my attitude. I am finding however, if you look for the positive in just find more positive. I already
knew that...but deliberately practicing it is so eye opening...and energizing!
So far so good on my first day or having a more positive attitude. There were a couple real tests thrown my way today too. :)
What I'm thankful for today:
The power of an Unexpected Compliment!
I'm not the best when it comes to compliments. I'm not the best at receiving them...I'm not the best at giving them. Hmmm...maybe that will be a future 31 day challenge? Today I'm thankful for compliments...they are so powerful...especially when they are unexpected.
Someone at work paid me an unexpected compliment today. They said I looked really nice and my outfit looked like something you would see on Pinterest. :) Maybe this is a silly example, but it kind of made my day...especially since what I was wearing was a little out of my comfort zone and I wasn't too sure about it. In fact, I sit on the couch at home right now still fully dressed (including my boots). I usually will discredit what people are saying when they try to pay me a compliment.
Why do we do that? Okay, I still did it a little bit today. I pointed out that I had actually brought a black purse(I was wearing brown boots) - so my entire outfit didn't really work. (Maybe I shouldn't have admitted I'm going to have an even tougher time convincing Kyle not to wear his black belt with brown shoes!) Back to the compliment...for the most part...I just tried to go with it and say Thanks! So that was example 1...thanks for making my day Jen!
Example 2: I also paid someone a compliment today. I let Cathy know I thought she was a very gracious person (which is absolutely true...even if you don't believe me Cathy!). I think it really meant something to her and it actually ended up getting me on the Wall of Gratitude at work (which really meant something to me! Funny how that works!). It made me stop and think...I need to do so much better at paying people sincere compliments!
All those little thoughts that run through your mind about someone (let me clarify...the nice thoughts!) SAY THEM OUT LOUD!!! You never know what it could mean to someone. It can totally change someones day. little effort required...such a big impact!
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a
listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all
of which have the potential to turn a life around.”